Miguel Piedrafita



Gas Optimizations for the Rest of Us

Miguel Piedrafita


The basics of optimizing Solidity contracts, explained for regular coders.

Writing smart contracts is hard. Not only do you get a single chance to write bug-free code, but depending on exactly how you write, it’ll cost your users more or less to interact with it.

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It's Showtime!

Miguel Piedrafita


👋 Hey! I couldn't be more excited to announce I'm joining Showtime to help build the best crypto social network.

A short recap of my life until now

I’ve been coding for a while now, almost 10 years. I started with open-source and slowly shifted gears to become an indie maker. I managed to build an audience around my indie journey and my projects, meet amazing people and have lots of fun.

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How to Learn (Crypto)

Miguel Piedrafita


Outlining my approach to quickly learning new subjects, and how you too can become a crypto expert in less than you think.

In the past few months, I went from knowing almost nothing about crypto to minting NFTs, launching my own token, and getting a job at a crypto startup (TBA).

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Server Authentication for web3

Miguel Piedrafita


One of the big appeals of dApps is that the user owns their data. However, for this to be true, we need to authenticate the user with their web3 identity (their wallet). This is easy to do client-side (since they can submit all their tx's themselves using Metamask) but gets harder when we need to verify their identity from a server.

In this article, I’ll be outlining the technical implementation of a “Login with wallet” button, similar to the ones provided by Showtime or Foundation.

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Building apps with Mirror

Miguel Piedrafita


Over the past few weeks, I built a few apps that integrated with Mirror, to try and understand how their protocol worked. I started using their internal APIs and, from there, worked my way to more decentralized sources. Here’s how I did it (and how you can too).

The Actual Write Race

The idea for The Actual Write Race was to build a list of all existing Mirror publications, and rank them based on the number of articles they had written (simulating Mirror’s $WRITE race) to add a fun touch.

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Hello, Mirror!

Miguel Piedrafita


Hey! I’m Miguel, and last week I dropped out of university to work on crypto. I’ll be using Mirror to share my crypto journey and talk about projects I work on and things I learn.

Up next, I’ll be publishing about how I built a Mirror client with Next.js (and how you can build apps on top of Mirror), some thoughts on the future of web3 apps and why I think Mirror is one of the most exciting projects on the space, and a look at how “Login with your wallet” flows are implemented.

If this sounds exciting, you can follow me on Twitter to keep up with me and get notified when those posts go live.

See you around!